5 Tips For Organizing Playrooms

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1. Use kid-friendly labels
It’s important to have an organization system in place for your kids that encourages them to create and play. The space should be designed based on their age and their ability to clean up after themselves. If your child isn’t reading yet, attach a photo to the outside of the storage bins showing them what the contents should be so they know where their things belong. For example, put a photo of a car on the outside of the storage bin where all their car toys live. You can also add the word “cars” to help them learn to read and associate words with objects.

2. Create a mess-friendly environment
Why not give the kiddos a chalkboard wall to draw on!?! It’s a fun, creative, and safe way to let them color on the walls. They’ll love to see their works of art displayed on the wall every time they walk in the room. You can decorate the walls for holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions. An added bonus is that you don’t have to worry about them marking up your freshly painted walls. Check out these products and tutorials for starting your next chalkboard project:

3. Be transparent 
When creating an organization system for children, it’s best to keep things simple so they can help in the clean-up process as well as the make-a-mess process. Try designating areas of the playroom for different categories like toys, arts & crafts, books, games, electronics, music, etc. Using open and transparent storage bins are usually the best for the storage of kids items. They can easily see what’s inside each one and they are easy to pull out and carry to another area of the house. Here are some great products from The Container Store:

4. Be Creative
You can go to Pottery Barn Kids or The Container Store and find fabulous organizing and storage systems for playrooms. But don’t forget about your own creativity- check out our Pinterest board to see some creative playroom ideas. If you need some kid-friendly DIY project ideas, check out this great list too.

5. Be flexible
No matter what system you put in place, it’s likely that your kids will mess it up. You can label every bin, basket, and box in the playroom, but don’t be surprised when you find colored pencils in the paint box or cars in the animal bin. Setting up systems is important and will help them learn how to keep their things organized in the future, but remember to let them be kids too!


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